The whole course is composed of four (4) modules with a total of (14) sessions, which will be completed approximately in 21 hours (1.5 hours per session).
The program may be conducted during week-ends .
For each session, different methodologies will be used, such as lectures, group discussions, sharing, workshops, contests, songs, visual aids, etc.
To develop among overseas workers and their families in the Philippines and abroad, values that will:
1. Make them realize their worth as persons and as children of God;
2. Make them better persons living lives of integrity, discipline and honor;
3. Help improve their attitude towards others especially family members;
4. Strengthen love and relationship in the family through faithfulness, caring and communication.
5. Help them appreciate the need for saving and living a simple and meaningful lives;
6. Enhance love of community and country;
7. Deepen commitment to family, God and country.
8. The 4th module is about FGAS (Financial Growth, Abundance and Stewardship). FGAS is designed to help guide migrants and their families/dependents towards their financial triumph and empowerment, by equipping them with knowledge in the proper use of their God-given financial resources.
Session 1: Valuing Self
This session aims for participants:
• To know oneself and uplift his/her self-esteem.
• To realize his/her worth and God’s love for him or her.
• To discuss ways of improving oneself.
Session 2: The Importance of Self-discipline
This session aims for participants:
• To open their minds about some negative attitudes, habits and traits of Filipinos that show lack of discipline and the consequence related to them.
• To guide them to reflect on which of these they posses and decide on how they can correct them.
• Lead everyone into making a decision to change.
Session 3: A Life of Honor
This session aims:
• To help everyone understand that as children of God, we are called to live a life of integrity.
• To discuss how to live this kind of life.
• To lead them to decide to commit what changes in their lives they need to make.
Session 4: Living a Simple and Meaningful Life
This session aims:
• To make participants realize the value of living a simple lifestyle.
• To make them realize the difference between needs and wants.
• To motivate the participants to think and find concrete ways of simplifying their lives.
• To guide them into finding ways to save.
Session 5: Valuing Communication
This session aims:
• To educate participants how to make a family strong through communication.
• To differentiate between “contact” and “connection”.
• To teach participants how to attain a deeper connection in their relationship with their respective families.
Session 6: Valuing Others
This training aims:
• To clarify the reason why we should value others.
• To share the right ways and attitudes by which this can be shown.
• To show ways whereby caring build better relationship among family, relatives and neighbors.
Session 7: Valuing the Family
This training aims:
• To make them understand God’s plan for the family
• To make them appreciate the values needed for the family to remain united and intact.
• To help them identify the obstacles to unity that families of OFWs have to overcome.
• To lead them to enumerate ways to overcome these.
Session 8: Valuing the Community and the Environment
This training aims:
• To help everyone understand and appreciate the value of community.
• To let everyone realize that he has responsibilities to every community where he/she belongs towards helping make it grow and prosper.
• To make them understand the importance of taking care of our environment.
• To discuss the environment problems and the causes of these problem.
• To discover ways by which a person can take care of his environment.
This training aims:
• To impart the value of love of country and concerns for its welfare.
• To remind everyone that we Filipinos should not allow ourselves to lag behind others countries and nations.
• To discuss the duties of every Filipino towards his country.
Session 10: COMMITMENT
This training aims:
• To help participants to understand the meaning and importance of fulfilling your commitments.
• To discuss the commitment of each one to God and to others through their different roles in life.
• To get their commitments in the different roles in life.
Session 11: FGAS 1- Basic Truths On Abundance
This training aims:
• To help the participants to be aware of the bountiful resources God has prepared for us.
• To identify and learn the meaning of abundant blessings.
• To know and understand the process on how to be a part of the enormous resources and financial blessings.
Session 12: FGAS 2- How Far Am I From Financial Abundance
This training aims to:
• To make the participants understand who should control their finances.
• To make available to the participants a Financial Diagnostic Tool which can be used to measure present financial standing and how far is one to financial abundance.
• To enable the participants to recognize financial bondage.
• To provide relevant information on how one can achieve financial abundance.
Session 13: FGAS 3- How to Achieve Financial Growth & Abundance
This training aims:
• To provide the needed information and skills to pay off debts.
• To teach participants to control indiscriminate spending.
• To make participants understand financial planning and how to prepare a budget.
• To teach participants how to possibly increase savings and investment.
Session 14: FGAS 4- How to Be a Good Financial Steward
This training aims:
• To make the participants realize the value of being good stewards of God’s financial blessings.
• To help and guide them improve the management of their money.
• To deepen their determination and commitment to apply positive changes in their financial management.
• Discussion
• Individual/Group Activity – including how to prepare a budget
• Sharing
Manila paper; Bond paper; Pencil, Pens, Strips of Masking Tape, Scissors.
Financial Abundance Diagnostic Tool: Sample Budget Sheet.
Laptop computer
Sound system with microphone.
Projector & projector screen
• Scriptural Passages. International Organization for Migration’s Country Migration Report: The Philippines 2013.
• CFC’s Blessings Without Measures.
• CFC’s Financial Handbook. Vic and Avelynn Garcia’s Unleash the Highest Potential of your Money.
• Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (
• CFC Migrants Program