About Couples for Christ

Families in the Holy Spirit Renewing the Face of the Earth
Couples for Christ(CFC) is a Catholic movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. The members have committed themselves to the Lord and to one another so that they may grow in maturity as men and women of God and fulfill their primary vocation of raising up families under the lordship of Jesus Christ and for the service of the Kingdom of God.
CFC wants to rise in defense of the family, which is God’s work.
CFC wants to bring God’s strength and light to those who are struggling to be truly Christian families in the modern world.

CFC began in 1981 in Manila, Philippines when Ang Ligaya ng Panginoon (Joy in the Lord), a covenanted Christian charismatic community, realized that to effectively renew society, a conversion of both spouses, and consequently families, to Christ was necessary.

The method used consisted of bringing together a small group of prospective couples in a private home. They were brought together to a living relationship with Jesus Christ and to renewal in a social environment.

Beginning from the first 16 couples who joined the weekly gathering, CFC became a Christian family life renewal which was later made available to parishes and groups of married couples who wished to live out their Christian life in an active, supportive relationship with one another.

The growth of CFC stemmed from its heart for mission and evangelization and its commitment to sharing God’s love with others, beginning from the basic unit – the family. It did not take long for CFC to realize that while couple renewal was essential, it would be incomplete without family renewal.

Through the years, CFC has blossomed into a worldwide ministry, becoming a major force for the renewal of the Christian family and also of the Church.

Who Can Become Members?

Any validly married Catholic couple can become members of CFC. CFC draws its membership from all sectors of society, young and old, rich and poor, etc. CFC transcends all cultural, economic, educational, and social, and other distinctions
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Although a Catholic movement/organization, CFC is open to membership by non-Catholic Christians who can join as associate members. Associate members can participate fully in the non-sacramental life and mission of Couples for Christ and must recognize and defer to the Catholic nature of the community. Non-Catholic associates, though remaining faithful to their Church, have to accept, respect, and defer to the principles and teachings of the Catholic Church on marriage, human sexuality, and the family.
Those who want to join Couples for Christ go through a seminar called a Christian Life Program (CLP). The CLP is an integrated course leading into a renewed understanding of God’s call to Christian couples, to a personal response of accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, and to receiving a renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit on their lives. The CLP runs for a total of 8 consecutive sessions usually held weekly, divided into an orientation session and then two modules of four sessions each.

The two modules are:
   • The Basic Truths About Christianity
   • An Authentic and Spirit-filled Christian Life

After the CLP, those who finish are invited to join Couples for Christ by making their commitment to “The Covenant of the Couples for Christ” and are then integrated into the body.
Those who join Couples for Christ are made part of a small cell group called a Household. The Household is composed of four to seven couples who meet weekly for mutual support and encouragement in the Christian life, under the direction of a Household Head. The Household meetings are held in the homes of the group members on a rotation basis. A typical meeting would involve some time for prayers, a time for sharing or discussion, and finally, some time for fellowship.

All members undergo continuing formation both in the Christian life and also in the life and mission of CFC. The first-year formation program, mandatory for all members, consists of the Christian Life Program, the Covenant Orientation, the Marriage Enrichment Retreat, and Evangelization Training. Beyond the first year, there are other teachings and courses which are made available to the membership. Some are mandatory for various levels of leadership while others are optional.

Members of Couples for Christ are related to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. As such, their relationship is not to be functional but should reflect the intimacy of Christian love, caring, and sharing.