Christian Life Program : Talk 7

Growing in the Spirit





“If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25 NAB)


To teach the basic tools needed for our growth and maturity as Christians.


The Christian life can be pictured as a wheel that has three components: the outer rim, the hub, and the spokes. The outer rim represents the daily Christian life; the hub, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the spokes, the tools through which the Holy Spirit is transmitted from the hub (Jesus Christ) to the outer rim (our daily life). There are five spokes which corresponds to the five tools that we can make use of to grow in the Holy Spirit: prayer and study, service and fellowship, and the Sacraments. Our prayer must be faithful, led by the Holy Spirit, and centered on Jesus.

We study to know more about God by reading the Scriptures and Christian publications, and attending teachings. We serve by making ourselves and our resources—time, talent, and treasure—available for God’s work. Fellowship is the expression of the spiritual reality that we are brothers and sisters belonging to one family and doing things together. The sacraments, particularly the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of Holy Communion, are the most important means to grow in the Spirit. If we are faithful in using these tools, we will grow in the Holy Spirit and be more blessed in our family life.




1. Introduction segment by the speaker (Part 1)
2. Speaker facilitates the activity: The Hub of our Life
3. Sharer
4. Play CFC Primer video.
5. Continue with the remaining talking points. (Part 2)
6. Reflection and silent prayer
7. Discussion group
Note: These dynamics are applicable to both online or physical set-up.


A CFC brother or sister who continuously grow in the faith recognizing that it is brought about by the fuller release of the Holy Spirit in his/her life and with the assistance of the tools for Christian growth.


A CFC brother or sister who can testify on the value of these Christian tools necessary for deepening one’s faith.




For the speaker: Ask the participants to recall the past session briefly and ask how they feel now. Then proceed to the talk proper.


Activity instructions are part of the session. Have a paper and pencil for each participant.

1. Draw a circle about the size of your paper. What do you see? An empty space, meaningless? Nothing, a curved line that meets? Does it elicit any feeling? Do you sometimes feel that way? Empty, your life devoid of meaning? Disconnected?

2. Now at the very center of the circle, draw a small circle. In that circle write the word CHRIST. Now close your eyes and imagine that the circle is your life. Previously empty, but now because of the CLP, Christ has been introduced as the center of your life. Picture Him at the center of that circle that is your life. How do you feel? What emotions and what images come to your mind?

3. Now draw a bigger circle nearer the biggest circle. This is like the rim of the circle.

4. Now draw 2 vertical spokes. One connects the small circle to the top of the rim, and another one that connects the small circle to the bottom rim. On the lower spoke, write The Word. On the upper spoke, write Prayer. These vertical spokes connect us to God. The Word is the foundational spoke. The word of God keeps us from sin. Prayer spoke allows the very life of God to flow into our lives just like a straw.

5. Now draw 2 horizontal spokes. To the right is Fellowship and to the left write Witnessing. Fellowship is not socialization alone. It means allowing us to grow together n our relationship in Christ as members of a faith community.

The first 3 spokes help us to grow in our relationship with God, allowing him to grow more into our lives. The 4th spoke is witnessing. We are not meant to keep the goodness that the Lord allowed us to experience, but we need to share it with others. When they see how we are growing and changing for the better, they will be interested to find out what happened and it becomes an opportunity for us to introduce them to a life with Christ.

Draw one more spoke and write Sacraments. For Catholics, the sacraments are the main channels of God’s grace for our lives.
You have actually drawn something like a wheel. Try to imagine your own Christian life as a wheel of a cart.

* The outer rim. This is the part of the wheel that meets the road. This represents daily Christian life.
* The hub. This is the part of the wheel from which the power emanates to the rim. It holds the wheel together. The hub is our Lord Jesus Christ, who is at the center of our lives. The power is that of the Holy Spirit.
* The spokes transmit the power and direction from the hub to the rim. In Christian experience, the spokes are the means of putting our whole life in contact with Christ, so that our life can be transformed by his power and direction.

* Do you like to read and study scriptures? Why or why not?
* How do you pray? How often do you pray? What is the content of your prayer?
* Would you like to fellowship with the people you have met here? What were your experiences during the CLP?
* Would you like to share Christ with others?
* Would you like your life to be directed by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit?

This CLP, your commitment to Christ, the in-filling of the Holy Spirit through the pray-over–all these are just the beginning of a new life. We are “babies in Christ” and we need to grow by making use of the tools provided by God, and we need encouragement from a community of like-minded believers.


The Vision of Couples for Christ (Read together.)


“Families in the Holy Spirit Renewing the Face of the Earth” Moved by the Holy Spirit, one with the Catholic Church, blessed to witness to Christ’s love and service, Couples for Christ is a united global community of family evangelizers that sets the world on fire with the fullness of  God’s transforming love.

Can you relate to the CFC Vision? Call 1 or 2 to answer.

The Mission of Couples for Christ (Read together.)


“Building the Church of the Home and the Church of the Poor”  “We are Couples for Christ.

We are committed to live in God’s righteousness and holiness, evangelizing people through a life of love and service; we shall work for the renewal of families that will serve God and build generations of Christian leaders; and we shall pursue Total Christian Liberation through social justice, respect for life, and work with the poor.”

What is your impression? Call 1 or 2 to answer.

The Philosophy of CFC (Read together.)

The following embodies the beliefs and ideals of the Couples for Christ (CFC) as a movement, from which flow its Christian attitudes, values and behavior, as well as its programs, teachings and approaches to Christian renewal within the context of family relationships.

WE BELIEVE in marriage as an indissoluble institution as taught by our Lord Jesus Christ. (Mt. 9:6) That God created marriage primarily for love between man and woman, and for the procreation and proper rearing of children.

WE BELIEVE that God created man and wife with equal personal worth and dignity. That God ordained order in the family by giving the man the role as head of the family and the woman as helpmate and support, which best expresses their complementarity.

WE BELIEVE in the inalienable and irreplaceable right and responsibility of parents to educate their children. That children need to be educated in essential human and Christian values for them to become responsible and mature members of society.

WE BELIEVE that the family in practicing the gospel message shares in the life and mission of the Church – Through prayers, evangelization and service to men. We uphold and defend the rights of the family as proclaimed in the chapter on family rights. (Familiaris Consortio)

And lastly, WE BELIEVE that Christian family renewal can best be achieved by inviting Jesus to be the Lord of our homes and by allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to lead our family lives and through the full use of all charismatic gifts at our disposal.

Do you think this philosophy is relevant today?

Couples for Christ allows us to grow our life in the Holy Spirit by providing opportunities for us to practice the tools needed to live our Christian Life by the power of the Holy Spirit, as illustrated in the activity we just did.

The family as the basic unit of society is God’s plan. However, there are many forces in the world today that seek to destroy the family. CFC has been raised by God to defend his work. Our task is to strengthen family life. This is our reason for being.How do we accomplish our mission?

* By working for the renewal of individuals, families and the Church on a global basis.
* By providing a strong support environment for our members.


1. By our committed relationships
a) We believe that we have a responsibility to encourage and support one another in the Christian life. Thus, we make a commitment to grow together as Christian couples.
b) We have a 5-point commitment that is embodied in a small white card which we carry with us.

Read together “The Covenant of Couples for Christ” and explain briefly.The Covenant of Couples for Christ

1. I shall live as a follower of Christ.

2. I dedicate myself to the task of building a strong family for Christ.

3. I will make myself available to the Lord for service.

4. I will relate in love and loyalty to other families in Couples for Christ.

5. I shall study and seek to grow as a Christian person in understanding and fulfillment of my marriage vocation.  Through households – All members of CFC belong to cell groups that we call “households”. At the end of this CLP, if you make your commitment to CFC, you will be assigned to a household.

a) The purpose of a household group is to have a smaller and more intimate environment for personal support in the Christian life, and to provide a means for encouraging growth as a Christian.
* Here you can share life experiences as God’s practical wisdom.
* You can be helped to overcome obstacles in the Christian life.
* You will develop real friendships and true brotherhood/sisterhood, withoutwhich our Christian life would lack joyful expression.

b) There are basically three ingredients in a typical household meeting: an extended period of prayer and worship, a time for sharing or discussion, and some time for fellowship.

By our ongoing teaching and formation
a) There is a formal first-year teaching program.
* Covenant Orientation (3 months after the CLP)
* Marriage Enrichment Retreat (6 months after the CLP)
* Evangelization Training (at the end of the year)

b) Beyond the first year, there are many other courses (name some) and various training modules for those who will undertake services in CFC.

c) Various teachings will also be given through our newsletter Ugnayan, in prayerassemblies, and during other occasions. We also have books on evangelization,marriage, working with the poor, etc.

By the other regular activities of our community
a) Monthly prayer assemblies (in lieu of the household meeting)
b) Lord’s Day celebrations, anniversaries, Family Days, Evangelization Rallies, Leaders Conferences, ANCOP Global Walk, etc.
c) Social activities


We are living in exciting times. As we see the deterioration of Christian values and family life all around us in all parts of the world, we are also seeing God’s loving and protective hand trying to restore the Christian family back to His original plan.We need to see this spiritual drama with the eyes of faith.We are called to be part of God’s work and we should gladly respond to His divine efforts of restoring families back to His kingdom.We are inviting you to be a part of God’s work by being a part of us in CFC.


What tools to Christian growth have not been fully utilized in your life?


1. Read again and try to internalize the Vision, Mission and Philosophy of CFC.
2. Think and pray about “The Covenant of CFC”.
    a) Look on the covenant as an ideal, not yet fully in place, but as what God calls us to.
     b) What is important for you to be able to make the covenant is that:
          * You understand it.
          * You accept it as helpful and even necessary for Christian family living.
          * You will try to live it out.
     c) We precisely need one another in CFC in order to support each other in living out the covenant.

If you decide that CFC is for you, come back next week, ready to make the covenant.: